Sunday, August 9, 2009


To be perfectly honest with you, dear reader, I don't have a clear sense of what this blog is about, or what I'm trying to do with it. The title refers to something my friend Allison and I would say to each other while trekking around San Francisco (ie, 'working from home'). We would be talking about some random idea, one that we would likely never pursue (as is the fate with such ideas), and then say, one to the other, "that could be a thesis." One such idea was to have a blog of this title to keep track of these idle thoughts. Funny now that I must find a topic for an actual thesis. Anyway as you can see the blog has turned into this plus a reposting of other stuff I find on the internets, mostly of a political nature because that's what I do on the internets.

Which is to say the blog isn't cohesive in any sort of way. At this point, I think the 'purpose' of it is to have an escape valve from academia, a place where I can develop my writing, which will inevitably tend towards ('academic') abstraction and cultural commentary while retaining a desire at least to connect to a larger audience. But the key to develop a readership, even if those readers are mostly people I personally know, is to post frequently, and so in between longer pieces I think I will continue to relay links, videos, and stories that find interesting, with my somewhat superfluous commentary. In fact I think I read in Harper's that 94% of blogs have not been updated in the last four months. Anyway, I don't know why I'm telling you this, dear reader, as this particular post falls in neither category. Oh well.

1 comment:

Mike T said...

Yes, and I think one of the most common blog post topics is, "Sorry I haven't been posting much recently." (though I guess this post only sorta fits into that category).

Anyway, looking forward to more of your bloggings.