You may not have heard, but Barack Obama was in town last week. I won’t recap his speech or the visit at length, since so many others have done so. Basically his speech was about how arrogant he is to prefer political to military victory, unless it’s a Prussian military victory, in which case he’s a secret Muslim named Osama Hussein Hitler. The crowd was ‘mixed,’ which apparently is an evocative adjective if you’re an American journalist. Aside from starting chants with America’s expat youth, one of whom does not yet know how to say ‘yellow,’ the highlight of the evening was the girl in American flag pants who might have been in this video (is that racist or post-racial?). U-S-A!!! U-S-A!!!

I believe one of Obama's first acts in office will be to provide every American man, woman, and child with a Swiss Army knife. To repel the terrrrrrrrrrrist threat, of course.
The fist bump of death! Daaaaamn! It's pretty gutsy of Tamara to train terrorists out in the open like that. Even that famous video of mujahideen training on the monkey bars in an Afghan playground shows them with their faces covered.
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