So my final month in Berlin was awesome times 100. This is what I did, since apparently you care:
- learned that phil was staying in Berlin for August; hung out with phil
- hit up the berlin club scene. This was good because Americans don't like or understand techno even though they try when they are Berlin (sorry American friends). It was really fun, though weird to stay up all night while "sober." Also, real Berliners apparently only go to clubs like Panorama at 6 in the morning, and the famous djs don't come on till at least 8, and if you leave at 7:30 people make fun of you. Some clubs have ice cream and swings, some clubs have ping pong. There are no actual children though, because they all got drunk at the beer garden.
- before, I speak in german past tense. Then, I have in past tense german learned.
- I met Anne, my wonderful language partner from east berlin. We spoke about our weekend activities in german, and about the role of the stasi in everyday east german life in english. She also took me to Marzhan and Lichtenberg but we failed to get beat up by neo-nazis. So that's an experience that will have to wait. But it was cool cause they pained the housing boxes.
- went to artists' squats and galleries, saw more art, saw more ping pong
- hung out with fun people
- went to london, saw clare after a million years, did not walk on grass
And that's that. Now I am in Denver. During my summer long housing saga, I briefly entertained the idea of moving to los angeles. But now I will be moving to palo verde, California, and there will be Starbucks and Del Tacos everywhere, and I will be teaching this year, and Christians will yell at me on my way to class, and my teachers will either tell me to figure my shit out or pretend that I already have, and oh my god. The only bright point of the quarter will be when Sarah Palin starts speaking in tongues during the vice-presidential debate, but if John McCain wins the presidency by 126 imaginary votes in ohio, I swear I will kill myself by choking on my organic-arugula-free-range-brie sandwich while driving my prius off a cliff in san francisco. Otherwise, I'm glad to be back in the USA.

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