Friday, August 28, 2009

interim craziness

I haven't had the chance to post in a little while, being as I was preoccupied with finding and now moving into a new apartment (in the city!), and also a lingering incomplete for class that I had to finish.

In the meantime, I'll rely, as usual, on the craziness of the American right, now seemingly undergoing either a renaissance (did someone say 'birth'?!) or a last gasp (because their demographic was rationed?) or maybe neither. I might try to devote a future post to the nonsensical contradictions that infuse this movement, but maybe I shouldn't waste anyone's time with what's obvious.

In any case, here's a week's worth of conspiracy theories. Enjoy.

ps. favorite moments
3:23 - to the chalkboard!
4:45 - pointillism!
5:52 - "all it will take is an event, or an emergency." indeed.
7:41 - things getting "scrubbed" from the internet
7:49 - "I've said before I think they're building something. I don't know what it is...I have my thoughts but there are many things that I believe that I shall not's a machine of some sort, it's an exoskeleton."
8:30 - thugocracy
9:15 - "is it think that this government would ask you to spy on your neighbors." why, that's not unreasonable at all...
11:45 - "I ain't gonna be a victim anymore"

oh, that was fun. btw, those are water guns people are carrying around, right?

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